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The Kaizen Approach

Kaizen is a Japanese word which can be translated into English in a number of different ways, the simplest is change for the better.  Kaizen is an approach of small continual improvements which add up to a significant improvement. Although originally a business philosophy the principles of Kaizen fit in perfectly with what we are trying to achieve here at the clinic. At the clinic we have adapted the 6 step Kaizen approach to treatments at the clinic.

















Kaizen flow chart on how to fly alleviate lower back pain, neck pain and headaches

Step 1 - Get Clients Involved 

Get our patients involved in their own healthcare by getting a full understanding on how their complaint is affecting how they want to live their life. We strive to get our clients to take responsibility in their own healthcare decisions and goals as the more invested you are in the outcome the more likely it is to be able to achieve. 


Step 2 - Finding Problem 

At Kaizen using our innovative function neurological approach we aim to find the root cause of your complaint rather than just finding and treating the symptom. At Kaizen we combine a multitude of different technique systems to fully understand WHY you are experiencing what you are experiencing.


Step 3 - Create a Solution

After our in depth assessment has been undertaken we will have a greater understanding of how your body is functioning and exactly which areas are responsible for your specific health concern. From here we will design a tailored plan of care to address the root cause of your specific health concern and help your body start the healing process. 


Step 4 - Test the Solution

After creating the specific plan now it is the time for treatment to start. During the first phase of care treatment will be focused on disrupting your nervous system's current maladaptive pattern with tailored hands on care. The specific hands on care you will receive will allow you to be able to function in a new optimal pattern allowing your health to improve. 


Step 5 - Analyse the Results

After care has been undertaken it is vital to assess how your body is progressing in the healing process. At regular intervals we will thoroughly reassess how your body is progressing and how far along the path to optimal health you are. Once we have interrupted your old maladaptive health patterns it's time for integrating them to build new habits for long lasting improvement not just short term relief. 


Step 6 - Repeat the Previous Steps

Life is constantly adapting and changing through  new physical, psychological and chemical stresses that can come along at any time to make sure you are continuing to thrive and perform at your optimum. We are constantly repeating the above processes to make sure we are keeping you functioning at your optimum. 

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